Donor COVID-19 Resource Page

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Page for our Donor Community

Over the past few months, our donors have shown inspiring generosity in support of our COVID-19 relief efforts, and helped our caregivers and teams provide care to patients throughout San Diego.

While we continue to battle COVID-19, we have safely re-opened many of our services and also offer virtual visits, so you can receive care from the comfort of your home.

To help you with your care needs, we've compiled the resources below to help you access safe care with Scripps and learn about the impact of philanthropy in helping us to heal, enhance and save lives.

Watch the video below to hear a thank you message from the Scripps President & CEO, Chris Van Gorder.

The Impact of Your Contribution

These past few months have been a great reminder that as individuals, as a health system and as a community – we truly are stronger together. 

Your contributions have helped us provide excellent care to our community while keeping our staff and patients healthy and safe. 

In addition to financial contributions, take a look at the graphic on the right to see the variety of in-kind donations - from medical supplies to meals - we’ve received to date. 

COVID-19 Resources for You

Ensuring Your Safety When You Visit

Receiving Virtual Care with Scripps

Announcing Curbside Check-In for Visitors

COVID-19 Diagnostic and Antibody Testing

FAQs About Scripps and COVID-19